All is actively well at Summit Vista

August 21, 2019

For many people, exercise may be viewed as a four-letter word. However, more studies show that maintaining an active lifestyle is crucial—and not just for sustaining our health, but for our happiness, as well


At Summit Vista, staying physically active is one of the three tenets of successful aging. That’s why so much effort is made to provide a growing variety of options and opportunities for individuals to stay physically engaged.


For example, on a Tuesday morning you might find residents in the pool, enjoying a water aerobics class or in a fitness studio, attending a Yo-Chi-Gong session (which is a combination of yoga, Tai-Chi, and Qigong).


On another day, you might find people fixed in a rousing game of pickleball or putting on the practice green. In other words, there’s something for everyone, regardless of skill level, interest, or ability.


“Our fitness program is not only good, its enjoyable too. A lot of times we are laughing through the hard work,” shared Reggie Jewkes, one of two fitness specialists on staff. “I’m constantly amazed by the skill level of my enhanced fitness class participants.”


Reggie is also delighted with the improved balance some participants have demonstrated. “They have more confidence as they participate in group and individual fitness activities thanks to better balance control. It makes a huge difference.”


Among other opportunities are Drums Alive and Brain Fitness—two of the more popular activities offered on campus. And with residents actively involved in the creation of new groups and classes, future options are limited only by imagination.


So, while exercise may continue to be a four-letter word for some, Summit Vista residents are finding it to be more of a three-letter word: fun.